Thursday, May 9, 2013

19- I think that this class was very organized and the professor did all his best to help us learn about visual communication. Thank you professor :-)
18- Second Demo: Concept Cartoons

17- First Demo: Logos

Thursday, March 28, 2013

16- Picture of Morocco

15- Signifier 2
This is only a box of chocolate in a shape of a heart, but it signifies love and affection that we get from our beloved ones. This signifier influenced the way I see things because I know the real meaning of love and how important it is for everybody. 
14- Signifier 1
This is the Quran and I believe that it is a signifier of my religion, identity, and my lifestyle. I never thought of Quran as a signifier but I realized that everytime I look at it I see my religion and it signifies my identity. 
13- Branded

12- Goals

As for my goals, in the short term , I would like to join Maroc Telecom company, in which I expect to learn frameworks, strategies and techniques needed for advertising and promotion. It would eventually help me prepare for developing and evaluating a company's or organization's marketing strategy. Besides, I would like to improve basic business concepts (such as revenues and costs, suppliers and customers, market structure and so on), analytical and structured thinking, and communication and presentation skills.

In the long term, I would like to launch my own business and I see myself taking full responsibility of my company, shareholders and partners, employees, products and services, and for the success and failure of my decisions. I think indirect benefits of my hard work, problem solving skills, client management skills and experience of working in variety of industries will help me create a sound business plan and to successfully execute and manage my business.

11- Mission Statement

After earning my master’s degree in Marketing, I’m planning to seek for a position in Sales and Marketing where I can utilize my communication skills and my Master’s in marketing to build a strong distribution network for achieving a higher market penetration level.
I’m planning to work basically on formulating, directing and coordinating marketing activities and policies to promote products and services, and working with advertising and promotion managers.. I would also be interested in developing pricing strategies, balancing firm objectives and customer satisfaction.
Based on my previous background on Human Resources as a minor of my bachelor degree, I would be 

interested in directing the hiring, training, and performance evaluations of marketing and sales staff and 

overseeing their daily activities. 
10- Figure/ground relationship

9- Closure
8- Uniform connectedness


6- Backlighting

Friday, February 15, 2013


Similarity occurs when objects look similar to one another, people often perceive them as a group or pattern.
For example in this image, there is one object that is different from the other objects, in terms of shape and color, but at the first glance we cannot see that the object has different color from the others. 


In this image the grids create the appearance of a corridor. Depending on where the human figures are placed the brain perceives them as being either close by or far away. The brain has been conditioned to perceive objects that are far away as smaller but yet all figures are equal in size. So the ones further away look bigger.

Point, Line, Plane-3

Are the dots white or black? Now either use the cross-eyed or parallel technique to stop the optical illusion.


This is an example of the complimentary scheme color, and here we have red and green which are a pair of colors that are of opposite hue in the complimentary model. 

I chose this picture because this kind of lighting that is used here make it very mysterious, and make us wonder whether that person is laying on something or falling, is it a kid? a women? or a guy? so the lighting in this image make the audience think about the situation of that person and curious to know more about it.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Name: Ilham Hajji

Hometown: Kenitra


  • Swiming
  •  Music
  • Travelling
  •  Discovering new cultures
  • Social work

What I want out of this class:

  • To be able to produce visual messages that have power to persuade or educate an audience.
  •  To gain some skills that can help me in promoting a campaign for my capstone project.